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122 resources found for Clear search
  • A visual guide for cooks and caterers displaying six alternative toppings for baking. more»


  • A visual guide for cooks and caterers to help easily compare cheeses for cooking, with relative fat content. more»


  • Want to refresh and modify your recipes but not sure where to start? We’ve developed a range of resource to get you started. Discover tips and ideas on how to produce nutritious and delicious meals and snacks that students will love. more»


  • This A4 double-sided leaflet explains how to measure your blood pressure using a home blood pressure monitor and understand your blood pressure readings. more»

    Free for first 1 (then $7.00 each)

  • This booklet explains how to measure your blood pressure using a home blood pressure monitor and understand your blood pressure readings. It includes seven weeks’ worth of record sheets for recording your blood pressure. more»

    Free for first 25 (then $2.25 each)

  • Ideas for simple meal swaps that taste great and are better for you and your family. more»


  • Plan and organise your weekly menu and shopping lists with our free meal planner template. Choose the printable or editable PDF version to suit you. more»


  • Make a healthier meal with mutton flaps using this food skills and recipe card. It shows a step-by-step process for preparing mutton flaps in a healthier way to protect your heart. It features a delicious curried mutton flaps recipe to try. more»

    Free for first 1 (then $1.00 each)

  • Make a healthier meal with pisupo (corned beef) using this food skills and recipe card. It shows a step-by-step process for preparing pisupo in a healthier way to protect your heart. It features a delicious pisupo recipe to try. more»

    Free for first 1 (then $1.00 each)

  • Make a healthier meal with povi/pulu masima (salted beef) using this food skills and recipe card. It shows a step-by-step process for preparing povi/pulu masima in a healthier way to protect your heart. It features a delicious povi/pulu masima boil-up recipe to try. more»

    Free for first 1 (then $1.00 each)

  • This resource explains the changes made to New Zealand’s recommendations and guidelines regarding advice to prevent infective endocarditis. more»


  • Comprehensive teaching plans for use in the primary or intermediate school settings - teaching children about the importance of sore throat management. more»
